WiW: Every story whispers

The Week in Words

It’s my new favorite book. I bought it two weeks ago, and I’ve read from it every night since I got it.

It’s the The Jesus Storybook Bible by Sally Lloyd-Jones. I’ve read the first story, the introduction of sorts, at least a dozen times–to several dozen people.

An excerpt from the introduction–the part that convinced me I needed to own a copy:

“No, the Bible isn’t a book of rules, or a book of heroes. The Bible is most of all a Story. It’s an adventure story about a young Hero who comes from a far country to win back his lost treasure. It’s a love story about a brave Prince who leaves his palace, his throne–everything–to rescue the one he loves….

There are lots of stories in the Bible, but all the stories are telling one Big Story. The Story of how God loves his children and comes to rescue them.

It takes the whole Bible to tell this Story. And at the center of the Story, there is a baby. Every Story in the Bible whispers His name.

That’s what I love about The Jesus Storybook Bible.

Every story whispers His name.

Not one story ends without reference to Jesus, to the gospel, to the truth of Jesus Christ come to save sinners.

It’s why I take my Storybook Bible with me to hang out with friends. It’s why I read it to the girls I decoupaged with over the weekend. It’s why I read it to the dementia residents at our care facility during my off hours.

Because every story whispers His name.

As one Alzheimer’s patient interrupted every few paragraphs to exclaim:

“I’ve heard that story before, but I’ve never heard it so clearly.”

I love The Jesus Storybook Bible–but I want to go beyond it.

I want every story that I tell–
every story that others tell about me–
My heart’s desire is that my every story
would whisper His name.

The same precious resident who interrupted me to tell me how clearly The Jesus Storybook Bible told the story of creation and the fall also told me “That’d be wonderful for children, because it’s so clear.”

For my part, I agree–and add “And for the elderly and everyone in between.” I loved being able to share the gospel with a dozen ladies over the course of the hour I spent reading. Each story gave me opportunity to emphasize once again that God loved his children (and THEM) so much that He came to earth and died in order to bring them into relationship with Him.

Don’t forget to take a look at Barbara H’s meme “The Week in Words”, where bloggers collect quotes they’ve read throughout the week.

*This was NOT a paid advertisement. I received no monetary or other compensation for this review. In fact, I paid my own money for a copy of The Jesus Storybook Bible. And I recommend that you do the same.

8 thoughts on “WiW: Every story whispers”

  1. My friends who are missionaries in Cambodia have raved about this book too.
    “Every story whispers His name.” It does sound wonderful to have such a pointed focus on Jesus. You are such a blessing to be reading it to others!

  2. “Every Story in the Bible whispers His name.“ Wow, I love that. May our lives whisper truth about Him to others, too.

    Love what that resident said! I would never have thought about reading this to seniors, but what a great ministry to them, whether to comfort those who know Him or give truth to those who haven’t yet heard or understood.

  3. We have it and read it this past year as part of our homeschool plan. Guess what? It’s in my plan for next year, too! I totally agree with you: it’s SO GOOD. I would never have thought of reading it to the elderly, but I like that idea a lot, too.

  4. Bekah, I am so glad to hear someone else who feels this way about JSB!! Now I won’t feel so silly about getting my friends to read it! Or about buying a copy for a teenager who is a new Christian! Thanks for this!


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