Thankful Thursday: Living Golden

Today was our big company BBQ. We served our residents and their families, our employees and their families, and our community.

I personally baked off a couple hundred cookies and ran around like a chicken with my head cut off, talking with residents and their families while snapping pictures.

Thankful Thursday banner

This week I’m thankful for…

…getting caught up prior to the BBQ
Which meant that I wasn’t frantically trying to get my own work done today. Instead, I was free to enjoy the preparations for the barbecue. Including preparations like…

…being back in the kitchen again
I haven’t cooked professionally for…a long time now. But today I shed my lab coat and clipboard and made my way into the kitchen, where I baked off a couple hundred cookies and prepped them for serving, before running off home to pick up…

my little sister who was willing to help
Grace popped up to Columbus last night and informed me that she was staying through Saturday. I invited her to our picnic and she said yes. So she came early this afternoon to help and ended up having a great time serving with…

a great management team
I truly love the people I work with–we have a fantastic management team at Golden Living Columbus, and I’m proud to be a part of them. (I noticed today, when coming in the door I don’t usually enter, that my name is featured in a board right inside the door. The board introduces the management team–and there my name is: Registered Dietitian–Rebekah Menter)

…a chance to snap photographs
I wouldn’t say I’m a great photographer. In fact, I know very little about photography. But I love taking photos whenever I can. And I was thrilled to have the privilege of being a designated camera-woman for the picnic.

…the residents I adore
I loved asking the residents if they’d mind if I photograph them, capturing pictures of them with leis round their necks and flowers in their hair. I loved meeting their families, seeing their grandchildren, hearing their stories. The BBQ was in our back parking lot, but it managed to be a whole different context in which to get to know our folks.

Snow-Cones with my sister
Grace and I took a little break to have snow-cones and supper before helping out with clean up. It was nice to just enjoy each other’s company.

Grace and I

You sure you don’t want to come up to Columbus and work for Golden Living, Gracie? ‘Cuz you heard Mark and Kim and Nikki and… they’d definitely hire you. And let me tell you what, working for GLC, it’s living Golden!

I’m so thankful that God placed me somewhere completely outside my expectations–I’m glad He placed me here, in this city, with this job, with these people.

4 thoughts on “Thankful Thursday: Living Golden”

  1. This list makes me happy!

    I also like how, in the picture, you and your sister’s tongues match the other one’s shirt. (Does that even make sense?) I’m sure you planned it that way. :)


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