Snapshot: Little Miss

Anna and I were in Lincoln when Little Miss Menter was born–but we weren’t going to try visiting until Dan and Debbie blew the all-clear.

Little Miss with Anna

At the same time, both of us had to work in the morning–so neither of us could stick around town waiting for the whistle that might or might not come that evening.

Little Miss

Which meant we were halfway home when the text came to tell us that visitors were welcome–too late to turn around.

Little Miss sleeping on Daddy

So we worked our weeks and made the trip back down this Saturday–ready to meet our newborn niece.

The Little Miss was definitely a Menter baby, tall and skinny. What differentiated her from the many Menter babies who have come before her was the hair.

Daddy kisses Little Miss

All the rest of us were bald.

Thanks, Debbie, for introducing baby hair into the Menter gene stream!

Daddy and Mommy with Little Miss

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