Thankful Thursday: What! All This…

My friend and I are reading The Greener Grass Conspiracy, a wonderful book on contentment that I originally picked up based on Lisa’s review. In it, author Stephen Altrogge relates a little story that Charles Spurgeon once told:

“I have heard of some good old woman in a cottage, who had nothing but a piece of bread and a little water. Lifting up her hands, she said as a blessing, ‘What! All this, and Christ too?'”

Oh, how I want my life to ring with that same spirit. The spirit that cries out that Christ is all-sufficient, and that stands in awestruck amazement at how much I have been given (no matter how small or large it might be in comparison with that of another.)

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This week I’m thankful for…

Seeing my brother for the first time in a long time. Spending more time cuddling with my little niece. Driving and talking with my Mother. Watching movies with the whole gang. Visiting with my aunt and uncle around the fire-pit.

Spending time with Steve and Joanna and Mary around a meal. Having Ruth and Beth over for dinner after church. Sitting and chatting with Jacqueline and Jon and Cathy and Grace before the parade. A long conversation with Kathy after we were all done.

The luxury of jumping into my car and heading out of town for a weekend. The added pleasure of hopping on my bike for a toodle about town. A comfortable seat during a commute. Books on CD I can listen to while driving.

A lawn to mow, a mower to mow it with. A bath in which to bathe, water with which to fill it. A computer to be built, and plenty of resources for when I hit unexpected snags.

…medical care
A doctor’s office I can pop into on my way to work. The ability to make an appointment only a few days in advance. Prescription drug coverage. A chance to reduce my insurance costs by living healthfully.

…growth opportunities
The accountability of a dear friend. Theology class at church. Bible-rich expository preaching. Opportunity to serve by teaching Sunday school.

What! All this, AND CHRIST TOO?

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