WiW: Secular Callings

My Facebook friends list is littered with seminarians, my blogroll full of homemakers raising children for the glory of God. Missional believers from all over have started in-house non-profits, have worked in church-based soup kitchens, have adopted orphans from overseas and stateside.

I can be tempted to feel inadequate, so secular.

I don’t have a noble religious calling. I have an ordinary sort of calling.

I’m a dietitian.

Sure, others have secular callings. The missional manuals encourage those to start a sacred mission either within or in addition to their secular work.

The prospect exhausts me. It’s enough I can do to just be a good dietitian. I want to serve the people at my workplace, but there’s only so much I can do and still do my job.

Matt’s comments (found here) help me put things in perspective:

“One additional word on skill: If you show love by being the first to order the pizza, or drive the van, or do whatever to serve people, but aren’t good at what you do, everything will fall flat. You have to be good at what you do. Good intentions are not enough…

If we want to glorify God in our workplaces, we need to learn from the best thinkers in our fields, whether they are Christians or not. And, this creates a better testimony to the gospel.”

God does not demand that I set aside my job or set aside my field in order to be a witness for Him in the workplace. In fact, He asks just the opposite.

To glorify God in my workplace is to be the best dietitian I can be. To glorify God in my workplace is to love my coworkers by doing my job well, to love my residents by caring for their nutritional needs in the best possible way.

Yes, it is not enough that I merely be a good dietitian–I must still share the gospel, must still demonstrate love in my interactions. But being the best possible dietitian is a primary means by which I can be a testimony in my workplace.

The Week in WordsDon’t forget to take a look at Barbara H’s meme “The Week in Words”, where bloggers collect quotes they’ve read throughout the week.

6 thoughts on “WiW: Secular Callings”

  1. Awsome! I considered becoming a dietician long ago. Although ultimately I majored in Fine Arts (Art History), my first year of college, I was a Homec major. In fact, I won a scholarship in high school from the national Homec Association. (Is it even a field of study anymore?)

    I also learned during that period of my life, that there really is no sacred/secular split. We are one, through and through. I applaud your desire to excell in your chosen career. You’ve been a blessing to many, I’m certain.

    e-Mom @ Chrysalis

  2. AGREE! AGREE! You are a blessing to me and I plan on sharing your blog with my middle daughter soon. I know she would enjoy reading it! You are good at a great many things! But doing your job well to glorify the Lord is the greatest thing you can do. People notice your work ethic and that you are a believer! The joy that you carry with you each day and share with your residents…PRICELESS!


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