Because I can

It has been seven years since I could play (due to my brother being an employee).

And before seven years ago, I went to McDonalds approximately once a year (on a church sponsored youth trip).

So now, for the first time in my life, I am playing MONOPOLY.

You know, the artery-clogging, pocket-emptying exercise in futility that allows McDonalds to rake in the big bucks every fall?

Yep, that Monopoly.


McDonalds Monopoly

I told you so.

So far, I have won several orders of medium fries, a breakfast sandwich, 20 Snapfish prints, and some MyCoke Rewards points (whatever those are.)

I’m still holding out for one of the biggies.

Anybody want to share? I’m looking for–

  • Green: Pennsylvania Avenue (I’ll give you Luci if I win a Nissan Leaf)
  • Yellow: Ventnor Avenue (I could spare you a bit of that $100,000–half after taxes?)
  • Red: Kentucky Avenue (ditto the above, only this time for $50,000)
  • Orange: Tennessee Avenue (Family vacation? Of course you’re family!)
  • Pink: Virginia Avenue (Surely $200 at a Spa can get two…er…manicures?)
  • Light Blue: Vermont Avenue ($100 isn’t much, but I’ll still share)
  • Brown: Mediterranean Avenue ($50 is even less, but even that can buy us each a coupla dozen large drinks!)
  • Railroad: Short Line (Don’t know what I’d want with an EA Sports trip, but I’d be willing to sell and share the proceeds?)

Of course, if you were really smart and had any of the above, you’d run over to Walmart and buy $1 medium drinks until you had the rest. What I’ve got is a dime a dozen.

So why am I playing again?

Oh yes.

Because I can.

***Disclaimer: Professional dietitian on closed commute. Please do not attempt.***

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