Thankful Thursday: Morning

Mornings have been tough recently. When dawn breaks later and later and the air beyond my bedcovers is cold, I don’t like to get up.

Yet God reminds me of His great faithfulness every morning when I awake again.

Thankful Thursday banner

Today I’m thankful…

…that the sun rises every morning, faithfully in accordance with the season

…for the daylight lamp on a timer that helps me pretend it’s still summer

…for the “Have a good day” Anna and I share each morning as we head to our respective workplaces

…for the all-to-common mornings where I linger in bed only to rush with a panic to get myself ready for work

…for the rare but blissful mornings where I’m up perfectly on time and have opportunity to spend time in the Word and do dishes before work

…that God’s mercies, like the sun’s rays, are new every morning, consistent and reliable

2 thoughts on “Thankful Thursday: Morning”

  1. I can relate to this one. some days I can pop right out of bed with no problem…thankful for those days. Then there are days that I linger too long…still thankful that I woke that morning though. :)


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