Thankful Thursday: Little Exchanges

Don’t you just love a heart-to-heart conversation?

I know I do–but heart-to-heart’s are generally few and far between. Instead, the majority of our interactions consist of little exchanges–but little exchanges that can be cumulatively just as valuable as a long heart-to-heart.

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This week I’m thankful…

…for “best part of the week” questions around the dinner table after church

…for abbreviated life stories at 38th Street Coffee after Highland Park’s Harvest Celebration

…for conversations in creation and long-term-care law with my dad after we were seated but before the orchestral performance began

…for chats about theology and life on the long drive back home from Lincoln

…for tracking with Bill about humanoid hominids–and the interest various others took in the topic

…for TULIP talk with Gina and caveman talk with Corbin

…for Natalie’s earnest private encouragement once I was done talking with her mom and brother: “You should look up II Timothy 3:16. We’re memorizing it right now, and…you should look it up.” (Natalie is in 2nd or 3rd Grade. She goes to Sunday School during second service, so she’s not in my class; but we see each other often during the “switch” when the second class is filing in and my class hasn’t quite all been picked up.)

“All Scripture is breathed out by God and profitable for teaching, for reproof, for correction, and for training in righteousness, that the man of God may be competent, equipped for every good work.”
~II Timothy 3:16-17

Thankful for the Word of God, which is profitable for my own training and for others’. Thankful for Gina’s faithfully training her daughter in the Word. Thankful for Natalie’s faithfully sharing the Word with me. Thankful for how encouraging it is to hear the Word from the lips of a child.

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