And now for something completely different…

Have you seen this video by my cousin?

Okay. So he’s not my cousin (Bummer for me).

But he is my cousin’s brother (Yay for me).

Either way, Mike Tompkins is a pretty amazing artist.

And guess what?

If you know me (and of course you do), you can claim connection to him too!

And through him to Ellen Degeneres.

As in, “So I know this girl whose cousin’s brother was on the Ellen Degeneres Show–which means that there are only six degrees separating me from…” (Insert your own celebrity–pretty much all of them have been on Ellen right? I’m checking out my most important celebrities: Colin Firth, check. Hugh Grant, check. Meg Ryan, check. Jennifer Aniston, check. Ooo-looks like no Peter Jackson. Anyway, that’s okay for me since I have only four degrees to Ellen, so I can go two steps beyond. For you, well, sorry.)

And now you’ve completely got me pegged. I am an old-school chick flick watcher. Or maybe those people were popular during my brief stint of People magazine reading. Or maybe I just have a horrible time remembering celebrity names and that was the best I could do. So sue me. But don’t forget that I’m practically related to Brad Pitt. Which means it might be a PR nightmare to try to sue me. Just sayin’.

4 thoughts on “And now for something completely different…”

  1. I’m just trying to figure out how your cousin’s brother could be NOT your cousin? I’m pretty sure that in all the cases where I have a cousin who has a brother, that brother is also my cousin. But maybe my brain is wearing out because it’s so late and I can’t think straight. ;-)

    Anyway, Mike is definitely talented!! :)

    • Well, the part that makes it tricky is that the cousin in question was a Tompkins before she married a Menter. So Mike is my blood cousin’s brother-in-law, or my married-into-the-family cousin’s brother. Clear as mud?

      Some people talk of their second, third, fourth, and so on cousins. I just claim a whole bunch of out-laws :-)

  2. ROFLOL….

    I’m also snickering about your brief stint reading People Magazine. Jonathan has forbidden me. Despite the fact that I think it’s far more interesting to read about an insane person that it is to read the majority of news these days.


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