Snapshot: Gift Wrapping

I have absolutely no skill for gift wrapping.

My family can testify that this is neither false humility nor misplaced perfectionism.

I am truly awful at it.

Brown paper packages

Which is why I didn’t even try this year.

The gifts are covered, the names visible. That’s the point of wrapping, right?

And there is something starkly beautiful about all those brown paper packages–so long as you don’t mind lots of wrinkles and large clumps of tape.

4 thoughts on “Snapshot: Gift Wrapping”

  1. hehe! I’ve seen so many comments today in which people are stating how awful they are at gift wrapping.
    All you need to do is add some string, and all of these gifts would qualify as a “favorite thing”. (:

    (Brown paper packages tied up with string)

  2. I love it! This reminds me of a friend (another Bekah, only she is Rebecca, a.k.a. Becky) whose wrapping is notoriously bad. I could usually pick her gifts out of a pile just because of the wrapping!

    It’s what’s inside that counts, right? ;-)

    Merry Christmas!

  3. That’s funny! Of course, brown paper packaging can be quite trendy but perhaps with less tape and more “something”! :) We laughed and laughed over my son’s wrapping attempt but I think you could give him a run for his money! :)


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