Reviving Flashback Fridays (Personally, at least)

Remember Linda’s Flashback Fridays? Man, did I love those things.

I understand why Linda stopped doing them-it’s a whole lot of work to host a weekly meme, and to come up with prompts on top of it? Wow.

But I miss taking intentional time to write down my memories while my memory is still (somewhat) fresh.

So I’ve made myself up some personal prompts (gleaned mostly from To our Children’s Children by Bob Greene) and intend to work my way through them in a spate of Fridays.

I’ll be choosing my prompts arbitrarily, sometimes based on what’s going on in my life (or in the news) at the time, other times just because.

This first prompt has been on my list of prompts for several months (since I made my list), but was chosen for this week because my picture was in an advertisement in our local newspaper this weekend. (Tagline: Why is it important to have a Registered in-house dietitian at your Skilled Nursing Center?)

Check it out if you’d like, on the upper right-hand corner of page 16.

Prompt #1: What are your local newspapers? Has your name ever been mentioned in one? Has your picture ever appeared? How did you feel about that?

Feel free to write your own memories in the comments or as a post of your own–I’d love to hear your memories (although you’re certainly not obligated to share.)

1 thought on “Reviving Flashback Fridays (Personally, at least)”

  1. Growing up in a small town, my name was in the paper a lot. It’s not that there were that many spectacular or noteworthy things to be said. My name appeared in the paper any time Grandma mentioned to the neighbor that happened to write a local column that I had visited her that week. Any time I was home from college for a weekend visit, my name appeared in the paper. There were also the track results, awards, the engagement announcement and such, but most mentions were just about local visits. How different it was from the local newspaper here in the city!


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