2012: Week 1

Me in my hatMy new lab coatFrench fold
Me in my fur hat (1) immediately after teaching Jeremiah and Lamentations (2), Me in my brand-new homemade lab coat (11), My hair in a French fold (21)
  1. Wear my fur hat
  2. Teach Jeremiah and Lamentations
  3. Install a full mirror in bathroom
  4. Paint half-moon toenails
  5. Play Taboo
  6. Play Bible Outburst
  7. Listen to Straight Thinking Podcast #125-Blaise Pascal: Man of Reason and Faith
  8. Listen to Straight Thinking Podcast #126-Blaise Pascal: Two Apologetics Insights
  9. Listen to Straight Thinking Podcast #127-Blaise Pascal: The Wager, part 1
  10. Listen to Straight Thinking Podcast #128-Blaise Pascal: The Wager, part 2
Oatmeal Clay OrnamentsMy Christmas Storage
Pretzel RisingBaked Pretzels
First Row: My oatmeal clay ornaments (14), Christmas storage (16)
Second Row: Before and after pretzel making (23)
  1. Make lab coat
  2. Replace toilet seat
  3. Write review of Has God Spoken?
  4. Make oatmeal clay ornaments
  5. Make Wagon Wheel Pasta Pizza Casserole
  1. Figure out Christmas storage
  2. Make new Thankful Thursday Button
  3. Get rid of “Cast of Characters” on sidebar
  4. Send a birthday card to my dad
  5. Complete “Nutrition and Wound Healing” continuing education
Farm Girl GranolaSailor's Knot Bracelet
Lemon Scented Hand Scrub
First Row: Farm Girl Granola (22), Sailor’s Knot Bracelet (28)
Second Row: Lemon Scented Hand Scrub (29) and potted rosemary (30)
  1. Wear my hair in a French fold
  2. Make “farm girl” granola
  3. Make homemade soft pretzels
  4. Write “Newspaper” themed Flashback
  5. Make maple hot cocoa
  6. Watch Gnomeo and Juliet (which I’m classifying as a family-friendly movie)
  7. Make snowflake window clings
  8. Make a Sailor’s Knot Bracelet
  9. Make Lemon-scented kitchen hand scrub
  10. Attempt to grow rosemary on my windowsill
Cranberry-Pecan Upside Down CakeToasted Squash SeedsRosemary Peasant Bread
First Row: Cranberry Pecan Upside Down Cake (32), Toasted Squash Seeds (35)
Second Row: Rosemary Peasant Bread (31)
  1. Make Rosemary Peasant Bread
  2. Make Cranberry-Pecan Upside-Down Cake
  3. Make Hot 5-Bean Salad
  4. Make Cayenne Cocoa
  5. Toast squash seeds
  6. Hear and Obey (Keeping Promises)

I officially have to complete 38.7 projects per week in order to complete 2012 this year–which means that I’m already behind–except that I’ve started on a Bible reading project, a blogging project, a sewing project, a couple of different reading projects, and a memorization project. So I think I’m probably right on target at the one week mark :-)

2 thoughts on “2012: Week 1”

  1. What a great project! I think I would be overwhelmed with the thought of so many projects in one year. I found several of your projects though that intrigue me, and I am going to look into doing them too.


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