Snapshot: A Reluctant Fan

Those who know me know…that I am not exactly interested in sports.

It’s not that I have anything against them, per se–just that they fail to interest me.

But love compels me, and I have found myself at more games in the past month than (probably) I have attended in my entire life before.


I love these people who God has set me into the midst of–and they love sports.


So I take pleasure in cheering on Erik’s midget football team, Beth’s volleyball team, and Collin (#80) and Zach (#34) and the Columbus Middle School Sailors (No, they’re not actually the “Sailors”, but I’m going to go with Grandpa’s team name!)


Loving them this way is definitely not natural–but it is certainly worth it.

“And this commandment we have from him: whoever loves God must also love his brother.”
~I John 4:21

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