Farmers and Favorites

Sunday School teachers, like every other sort of teacher, are not supposed to have favorites.

They are supposed to love all their students equally.

And I do, I think, love them all equally–but there are some students that I enjoy more than others.

One in particular, may well be my favorite.

I call him my eight-going-on-eighty farmer.

There is never a lack for conversational topics with this kid, since all I have to do is ask him about what’s going on around the farm. He’ll be pleased to tell me about ‘nhydrous or bean or corn farming.

At the beginning of this fall session of Sunday School, while the students were filing in to class the first day, I asked the students what their favorite part of the summer was.

Most of the students responded with stories of celebrations or vacations. This student answered matter-of-factly: “Irrigatin'” Then he described the satisfying feeling of cracking open a pod of soybeans and squishing out the beans.

When prayer time rolled around last week, most of the students had typical children’s requests: Owies and family members who are sick and the like. This student wanted prayers for the harvest–and then for rain.

Yes, Sunday School teachers aren’t supposed to have favorites–but sometimes I forget in the sheer joy of teaching this particular student.

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