Thankful Thursday: New

Thankful Thursday bannerThis whole not-blogging thing is a little new to me–the last month has definitely been my longest break for a long time.

But, while my blog wasn’t posting anything new, my life was filled with NEWs.

This week I’m thankful…

…for a new tablet
For Christmas, Daniel gave me a tablet that docks to a keyboard so I can sit, like I am now (Wednesday night), in a coffee shop listening to a friend play and sing while blogging. The tablet also came in handy when I left my phone at Daniel’s house yesterday. I just pulled out my tablet and e-mailed him to inform him that I’d be by in the morning to pick it up.

…for a new home
The Thursday after Christmas, my parents and Daniel and I loaded up a truck and brought all my worldly goods to Wichita, KS. I’m currently setting up home in Daniel’s house (nicknamed Betsy) while living with a middle-aged couple Daniel and I both know. So I’m not quite home in the same sense as I will be in two months when Daniel and I are married and I can settle into the Betsy house–but Wichita is now my new home.

…for a new web host
While finishing up my job, starting a new job, moving to a new town, and having family holidays has certainly contributed to my lack of blogging, that’s not the only reason I haven’t been blogging. My family switched web hosts this last couple of weeks and blogging throughout would have increased the chances that I’d lose data. As it is, the switch has been relatively painless. I’m excited to be using this new host (which is MUCH less poo-ey than our previous host.)

…for a new job
I’m so glad to be a part of the Kansas WIC program. I have quite a bit of training before I’ll start seeing clients, but it’s thrilling to be getting close to living my career dreams–working in the community with women and children.

…for a New Year
I DID NOT complete my 2012 list–didn’t even try. But 2012 managed to exceed my wildest expectations. My paltry list of 2012 things falls far short of the reality that is what God has done in my life. And I have the promise that God, who began a good work in me, will see His work to completion. Which means 2013 can only be better.

…for mercies new every morning
All these “NEW”s have been a little stressful (imagine that!) and I’ve had more than one evening where I’ve fallen asleep in tears or exhausted and overwhelmed. Some nights, I’ve fallen asleep with regrets for what I’ve said or not said, done or not done, thought or not thought. But every morning, God’s mercies are new–and I rejoice in God’s faithfulness.

Great is Thy faithfulness!
Great is Thy faithfulness!
Morning by morning new mercies I see
All I have needed Thy hand hath provided
Great is Thy faithfulness, Lord unto me!

Pardon for sin and a peace that endureth,
Thine own great presence to cheer and to guide;
Strength for today, and bright hope for tomorrow
Blessings all mine, with ten thousand beside.

Thank You, Lord, for revealing new signs of Your mercy and grace on a daily basis.

2 thoughts on “Thankful Thursday: New”

  1. stopping by for my monthly update (as you have been on a break). I love this post! It is so full of the great things going on and the honesty of being a little over-whelmed thus being thankful for His mercies! Can’t wait to move on and read more!


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