Thankful Thursday: Great Timing

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“A wizard is never late. Nor is he early. He arrives precisely when he means to.”
~Gandalf, from J.R.R. Tolkien’s The Fellowship of the Ring

I’ve also heard it said that while God is never late, He is rarely early. He provides for our needs as we need them, not quite as we want them. He urges us to pray that He provide our daily bread, rather than a stockpile for the week or month or year.

Whatever the merits or demerits of the above statements, God has certainly come through with the timing of this past week.

This week I’m thankful…

…for pain at just the right time
I first noticed the painful bump on the back of my head Thursday evening. By Friday, it had spread almost down to my neck and was causing me a rather significant headache. It just so happened (!) that Daniel and I were going up to Lincoln for a bridal shower my sister was throwing me. I asked Anna about my pain–and we eventually decided that it was lymph node involvement in a wisdom tooth infection. If the infection hadn’t happened just as I was on my way up to where I’d see Anna, I’d have had to have found a new doctor here in Wichita to treat me during my current uninsured period.

…for having a government job
Having a government job means I received Martin Luther King, Jr Day as a paid holiday despite it only being my third week on the job. This allowed Daniel and I to take a quick trip further north to visit my grandparents. It was wonderful to have an opportunity to introduce Daniel to them during an overnight visit rather than having to make do with just a quick introduction at the wedding.

…for daylight to drive in
I drove (Daniel’s stick) part of the way back from my grandparents’ house so that Daniel could read one of the books we’ve been assigned for premarital counseling. The daylight lasted just until we were nearing Wichita, where I didn’t want to drive anyway. This was perfect timing, since it maximized Daniel’s reading time. I didn’t have to pull him away from his book to drive in town–and I didn’t end up doing any driving in the dark either.

…for illness on Nightstand Tuesday
I got a 24 hour GI bug Tuesday morning–not something I’d generally be thankful for. But, in this case, it afforded me a lovely opportunity to get back into blogging and blog reading with one of my favorite ever blogging carnivals.

The timing of this past week has been just impeccable, allowing me to get done what needed to get done without too many complications.

Thank You, Lord, for these, and so many more unexpected blessings.

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