Thankful Thursday: C walks with A, O, or U

Thankful Thursday bannerIf you had learned phonics using “Little Patriots Read”, you would have learned the incredibly valuable little jingle: “C walks with A, O, or U to make the hard C sound.”

I (obviously) learned phonics using the aforementioned curriculum, and have since internalized its truth. I now rarely have trouble distinguishing whether to pronounce a hard C or a soft C.

That said, this week’s thankfulness has little to pull it together–except for the hard C sound.

This week I’m thankful…

…for the companionship of a dear friend
I spoke deceptively in a previous post when I said that I had left everyone (save Daniel) when I moved to Wichita. It just so happened that a good friend of mine from Columbus was transferred to Wichita with her job right about (exactly) the same time I was moving down. Ruth invited herself over for dinner and a movie last Friday–and I’m so glad she did. It was wonderful to spend time with my friend.

…for a nut house and bags of candy
I was lamenting the lack of bulk foods at our local chain of grocery stores, when Daniel informed me that he would take me to the Nifty Nut House. He made good on his promise this weekend. At the nut house, I was overwhelmed with an abundance of bulk nuts and candies (although the dried fruit was already portioned, rather to my disappointment.) I didn’t need any nuts at the time, but I was glad to know of the store and its contents. I was also glad for the new flavors of Jelly Bellies we brought home with us. We’ve been snacking on flavors like “Chili Mango” and “Coldstone Apple Pie a la Mode” throughout the week.

…for new and novel forms of communication
Daniel and I were in the kitchen on Saturday when Daniel asked “What is that?” I went to investigate the noise coming from the living room and laughed out loud when I realized what it was. How quickly I forget (now that I’m not hearing it every day) what Skype’s ringtone sounds like. My tablet was ringing, my parents calling. Before the end of the conversation, I ended up talking with a representative of every branch of my family save one (Mom and Dad and Joshua at home, Anna in Columbus, Daniel in Wisconsin, and John in Okinawa). It was lovely to sit beside Daniel and Skype with my family, flung across the globe.

…for an ongoing cooking war between the men in my family
John started it, posting a picture of Chicken Parmesan on Facebook with a caption likening his self-congratulation of his cooking to our father’s when we were growing up. I don’t know if he issued a challenge or what, but soon self-congratulatory food pictures were flying across my Facebook news feed. John makes his wife pizza; Dad make tomato basil soup for his. John makes Swedish meatballs, Dad smokes ribs. Then Daniel has joined the fray with his own cooking. Timothy and Joshua are not to be outdone and add their own pictures. Soon all our acquaintances are remarking on the Menter men’s cooking thing.

…for finally seeing clients
I spent my first few weeks at WIC in training, reading policies and procedures and learning the Kansas WIC computer system. This week, at long last, I’m seeing clients–first with other professionals and now on my own. It’s so wonderful to be back doing what I love–counseling clients and helping them feed their families well.

…for a (relatively) comfortable couch
I haven’t been sleeping that much lately, for a variety of reasons–but I’m thankful for what sleep I’ve been getting. This past week, a lot of that has been on Daniel’s couch, napping in the early (and late) evening. It’ll be nice when I can sleep in bed (my mom swears that you get a lot more sleep when you’re married than when you’re engaged–and I’m really hoping she’s right), but for now I’m thankful for the sleep that I get, wherever I get it–and for the couch that, more often than not, has been the site of my sleep.

…for accountability along the way
I don’t remember asking for a mentor, but apparently I did–and so Daniel went about following through with our pastor regarding finding me one–and I am so glad he did. Greg asked me a bit about what I was thinking and matched me up with a woman from church. We met for breakfast this last weekend–and I think it’s going to be wonderful. I look forward to learning from her and being held accountable by her as I embark on this totally unfamiliar season of life.

If the creation were the only evidence of God’s goodness, it would be far beyond what I deserve. If the cross were the only evidence of God’s goodness, it would be far beyond my wildest dreams. But God has chosen to lavish blessing on blessing. From C to C, His grace amazes me.

Thank you, thank you Lord.

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