Recap (4/8/2013)

Quotes from this week’s readings:

  • From Barry York’s “Two Adams Met in Me”:

    “The first Adam brought me sweat and tears;
    The Second sweat blood to take away my fears.
    Yes, two Adams have met in me.
    The first is dead and dying
    The Other is giving me life

    Barry York’s entire poem is a reflection on a line from John Donne’s “Hymn to God, My God, in My Sickness”, which is also worth reading.

  • Tim Challies on Humble Orthodoxy:

    “Thus the solution to arrogant orthodoxy is not less orthodoxy, but more. The more we know of God, the more we love and trust him, the more humble we will be before him.”

  • Tim Keller on the Wrath of God:

    “Because if there is no wrath by God on sin, and there is no such thing as Hell, not only does that actually make what happened to Jesus inexplicable…but…it trivializes what He’s done…. “

    HT: Vitamin Z

Books added to my TBR list:

  • All You Could Ask For by Mike Greenberg (reviewed by Michelle at 5 Minutes 4 Books)
    Three strong female protagonists at wildly different places in life. I like this sort of thing–and my new public library has a copy!

  • Bananas in my Ears by Michael Rosen (reviewed by Carrie, Reading to Know)
    I enjoy silly children’s poetry, so I figure I might like this!

  • The Maid and the Queen by Nancy Goldstone (reviewed by Carrie, Reading to Know):

    “Nancy Goldstone is a fantastic story teller. She lays out historical timelines, ancestry of kings, events and places in such a way that paint a landscape for you to place Joan into. Goldstone is not dryly reciting facts but bringing in all manner of interesting side plots and relationships to tell you why it is that Joan was so remarkable and what it is that she managed to accomplish. The Maid and the Queentruly reads like a novel rather than a history book and I eagerly kept turning pages waiting to see what would happen next.”

  • The Victory Club by Robin Lee Hatcher (reviewed by Barbara H, Stray Thoughts)
    If Barbara H’s recommendation isn’t enough, it’s Christian fiction set in World War II that’s NOT A ROMANCE. I definitely need to try it.

Recipes Tried:

  • Bourbon Molasses Chicken (from Once a Month Mom)
    Daniel saw this in my feed reader and said it looked good. Since I have both bourbon and molasses, I figured I might as well make it for him. We enjoyed some this last week and I made extra for the freezer. Daniel liked this recipe well enough that he suggested that I try the sauce on meatloaf–which I’ll be making for the Happy Food crowd this next Tuesday. Wish me luck!

  • Lemon Daffodil Cake (from Taste of Home)
    Daniel and I threw a Seder (Passover meal) the Saturday before Easter and I needed a dessert to serve. Of course, it being Passover, I couldn’t serve anything leavened–which meant a sponge cake was a perfect option. I leafed through my brand new Taste of Home Baking Book (Thank you HJ and Kris!) and found this yummy looking cake. The end result did not disappoint. Everyone was delighted with this light and lemony cake. And…best part of all? I only had two egg yolks left over, which Daniel and I easily added to our breakfast eggs the next morning. (My least favorite part of angel food cakes is figuring out what to do with all the yolks left over at the end.)

1 thought on “Recap (4/8/2013)”

  1. The Victory Club does have romance in it, but it’s not primarily a romance — at least I didn’t think so. It’s more about how the four women coped with their various problems — some well, some not.

    There is a lot to think about and be grateful for in that first poem.


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