Thankful Thursday: New Family Members

Thankful Thursday bannerIt was the Thursday between our wedding and our honeymoon, my second day back at work. I’d woken up on the wrong side of the bed, felt rushed, started from home late, was scheduled for a training, and got lost on my way to training.

It was also my 28th birthday.

I was about to cry as I stopped at a stoplight and remembered the card tucked into my bag.

“For Rebekah Garcia,” it read. “Open on March 14.”

I opened the envelope to find a sweet card from my in-laws, wishing me a happy birthday and welcoming me again into the family.

I was no longer about to cry. I was crying, but now in thankfulness instead of frustration.

I am so blessed by multiple recent additions to my family.

This week I’m thankful…

…for the kindness of my mother-in-law
I’m going to guess that Paula was responsible for that birthday card that met me at just the right time. She was also probably responsible for the Easter card Daniel and I received right before Easter. And I know for sure that she is responsible for the periodic e-mailed and Facebook messaged notes of encouragement I get every couple of weeks.

…for the thoughtfulness of my sister-in-law
When I asked Daniel about his day a few days ago, he mentioned that his sister had called to let him know that there was a sale coming up that would be a perfect opportunity for my parents to buy a new mattress at (if they were still interested in buying a new one.) That my sister-in-law should not only think of me, but would remember me asking her advice about mattresses for my parents… She is a gem.

…for a new niece
The Little Miss now has a Little Sis. That’s right. My brother and sister-in-law (the ones who surprised me by showing up for my wedding) had their second little girl on Easter Sunday. I haven’t had a chance to see Little Sis in person, but the photos (and occasional videos) on Facebook have been precious. Little Miss is apparently thrilled to give Little Sis kisses–and I know my parents are thrilled to be up in Wisconsin with the newly expanded family.

…for news about a soon-expected nephew
Apparently Japan doesn’t carry gender-neutral baby clothes, so not finding out wasn’t really an option for John and Kaytee. But, to preserve something of a surprise, they had the ultrasound technician write the baby’s sex down and seal it in an envelope. John and Kaytee then gave that envelope to their neighbor, who was throwing them a shower. The neighbor let all their friends know what baby would be so that friends could purchase things appropriately. So John and Kaytee just found out at their shower last week that they’re having a BOY!

…for making an outlaw an in-law
Timothy has been dating Joanna (our sister-in-law Debbie’s sister) for three years now–and last night, he gave her a ring. Joanna and I have been friends for years and I’m thrilled that I can soon call her sister as well!

The addition of Joanna to the family is also particularly welcome to us girls, who are delighted to be keeping the lead we gained when John married Kaytee. When Timothy and Joanna are married, it will be nine girls to only seven boys. (Boo-ya!)

Daniel insists this means that when we have children we should have boys (of course.)

But whether sisters or brothers, mothers or fathers, nieces or nephews, I am so thankful for the family that God has given me–and that He continues to expand.

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