Settling into our room

When we moved me down to Wichita, Daniel was sleeping in the bedroom next to the bathroom–the one with a door to the backyard in it. He had a queen sized bed, a chest of drawers that was missing most of its handles, a little plastic chest of drawers, and a laundry hamper.

We cleared the room next door for my scads of boxes.

We’d decided fairly quickly that we’d use that room, isolated from pipes that make noise and from doors to the outdoors, as our bedroom–so I made switching the two rooms one of my first priorities.

That put what furniture he and I had into position.

About two weeks before our wedding (when I started thinking about my move into the house), I decided it was time that I made the bed properly.

Now, four and a half months since my move to Wichita (and two months since my move into Betsy), our bedroom is starting to feel like a real bedroom.

Our bed now sports my hope chest quilt–the quilt I started when I was fourteen and didn’t finish until I was 24 (ish). The nightstands we purchased with wedding gifts are now positioned on either side of the bed. And the contemplated headboard has failed to materialize and spare dollars have been reallocated to paying back my school loans–which means I guess I’d better get searching DIYs on Pinterest if I really want a headboard.


The dresser I’d used in Columbus now sits next to my closet door–and contains Daniel’s clothing. At first, he’d asked me if I had any extra dresser space available that he could use–but the more I looked at HIS dresser, the more I became convinced that it should not be used in our bedroom. Half of the time I couldn’t even open the drawers.


I finally mounted the shelf my friend Kathy gave me at my shelf party a couple of years ago (back when I had determined that I was past hope of marrying.) Above it, I arranged my collection of blueware.


Against the next wall, my quilt rack boasts a quilt from my great-aunt (on the back), my “egg blankie” (a small crocheted blanket made for me by a woman from our church when I was a baby”, and the lovely quilt my Mom and sisters made for Daniel and I for our wedding. Since I have both my hope chest quilt and my wedding quilt, I alternate which one I have on the bed every couple of weeks. (Actually, the wedding quilt is currently on the bed-it’s been a couple of weeks since I took these photos.)


The final corner of our bedroom contains my dresser, with my jewelry board and our hamper beside it. The big bare wall will eventually hold something–but I’m waiting until we finish our entertainment center for the living room before I do too much hanging of pictures. Until that piece of furniture is done and in place, I’m not sure exactly what I’ll want where. So, for now, I wait.


It’s not completely done, but it is starting to look settled. Like a home instead of a dorm room. It’s wonderful to have a haven of rest in the midst of our still-settling-in-house.

4 thoughts on “Settling into our room”

  1. Love your quilts!!! you are blessed! love your shelf! you are very gifted!!! Daniel is so blessed to have you as his wife.


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