Nightstand (June 2013)

I’m back to slow reading, not much completed on my Nightstand this month–but I’m learning that we have seasons of reading and seasons of working, seasons of new stuff and seasons of old familiar. These seasons are good–and I’m still enjoying what books I am reading.

This month, I read:

  • The Fan by Peter Abrahams
    This is the earliest of Peter Abrahams’ that I’ve read so far–and I didn’t really like it. It took quite a while to get to the suspense part of the story, the main characters motivations were never really clear, and it had way too much sex in it. If I end up with another one like this from him, I may end up 50-paging it.
  • While the Clock Ticked by Franklin Dixon
    Picking up the Hardy Boys again–this time at a new library with different parts of the series.

What's on my Nightstand

Currently in progress:

  • The 5:30 Challenge: 5 ingredients, 30 minutes, dinner on the table by Jeanne Besser
  • Bondage of the Will by Martin Luther
  • Glimpses of Grace by Gloria Furman
  • The Thyroid Sourcebook for Women by Sara Rosenthal
  • Unbroken by Laura Hildenbrand
    Everyone who read and reviewed this in the past year has raved about it–so when a few gals from church started talking about starting a book club and wanted suggestions for books, I threw this title into the mix. So far, at about halfway through, I’m loving it.

Don’t forget to drop by 5 Minutes 4 Books to see what others are reading this month!

What's on Your Nightstand?

10 thoughts on “Nightstand (June 2013)”

  1. Unbroken is AMAZING. We read it for my church’s book club a couple of months ago. I had read it previously and I kept telling my fellow club members to read ALL THE WAY TO THE END. Sometimes we don’t all read all of the month’s book selection but this time it was imperative they did so. What a story!


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