Your Life in Jelly Beans (linked to from all over)
A very interesting visual of how we spend the days of our lives.
Recipes Tried:
Herbed Ricotta Gnocchi with Quick Tomato Sauce (from Serious Eats)
A delicious meatless meal that, according to my husband, is “surprisingly filling; one bowl was almost too much.” I’m thrilled to have found a meatless meal with such staying power–and that’s as delicious as this is. I’ll be making it again–maybe trying out some different herbs and sauces with the basic gnocchi recipe.
Cherry Tomato and Green Bean Salad with Herbed Breadcrumbs (from Serious Eats)
I thought this was pretty good, Daniel thought the green beans were undercooked. Then again, I really like green beans, and, having grown up snitching raw beans while stemming, I enjoy them raw. I may try it one more time, cooking the beans a bit more just to see if it improves Daniel’s opinion of them.
Nutrition News:
The More you Sleep the Less you Eat (HT: LifeHacker)
In a controlled study at University of Pennsylvania’s sleep lab, scientists discovered that individuals who were in bed only 4 hours a night eat an average of 30% more calories per day compared to individuals who were in bed 10 hours a night. Low-sleep individuals ate an average of 550 calories during the hours between 10 pm and 4 am, when the control group was sleeping. This is an interesting study, but I’m wishing they had used a 7 or 8 hour
Projects Done:
US Map Jigsaw Puzzle (from Mr. Printables)
The little Miss just celebrated her second birthday–and came down to Lincoln for the weekend following the fourth. I went up to Lincoln for the weekend following the fourth, so I whipped up a gift for her. I have a B&W laser printer, so I printed the states and colored them with permanent markers before pasting them to sturdy cardboard and cutting out the pieces. Then, because I don’t like to do anything by halves, I created a tray for the pieces and mod-podged the whole thing to make it more durable. The Little Miss seemed to like it.