Nightstand (July 2013)

Someday, I’m going to get used to how moving and marriage has changed my reading habits and my reading volume–but for now, I end up a little depressed every time I write up my Nightstand post when I realize just how little I’ve read.

And then I get a little depressed that I’m boring you again with my laments of how little reading I’ve done.


Maybe I’ll have a better blurb next month.

For now, I’m busy retiling my kitchen floor, leaving me with little time for recreational reading. So, without further ado…my Nightstand.

This month, I read:

  • The Layman’s Bible Commentary: Judges, Ruth, 1 Samuel, 2 Samuel by Eric C. Rust
    The commentator has little regard for Biblical authority and undermines the doctrines of inspiration and inerrancy on almost every page. I do not recommend this commentary. See my full review for examples.
  • Unbroken by Laura Hillenbrand
    If you didn’t read this back in 2011-2012 when all the other Nightstand-ers were raving about it, you should definitely go out and get yourself a copy and start reading now. This is a fantastic true story set primarily during World War II. Read my full review for a mostly-incoherent fan-splat.
  • The 5:30 Challenge: 5 ingredients, 30 minutes, dinner on the table by Jeanne Besser
    I cooked up four or five recipes for this book and really enjoyed them. Perhaps my only complaint is that some of the ingredients were “specialty” type ingredients that I don’t normally keep on hand. Otherwise, both the concept and the execution are great.
  • Clifford’s Manners by Norman Bridwell

What's on My Nightstand

Continuing from Last Month:

  • Bondage of the Will by Martin Luther
  • The Thyroid Sourcebook for Women by Sara Rosenthal

New Additions this Month:

  • Flowers for Algernon by Daniel Keyes
  • Here I Stand: A Life of Martin Luther by Roland Bainton
  • The Longevity Project by Friedman and Martin
  • The Ultimate Volumetrics Diet by Barbara Rolls

Don’t forget to drop by 5 Minutes 4 Books to see what others are reading this month!

What's on Your Nightstand?

8 thoughts on “Nightstand (July 2013)”

  1. We’ve been married almost two years (hard to believe!!), and I still haven’t figured out how to balance reading with everything else I do now. If it weren’t for my school textbooks, I really wouldn’t be reading very much. Fortunately, I enjoy my school books.

    I love that basket you’re keeping books in. Makes me want a book basket. :)

  2. LOL! I am not laughing at you but with you! I would always get depressed when I would visit you and see how much reading you had accomplished in a month. :) As my kids are older (teens) I have much more time than I used to. But then there are months that I (hold on to your hat) just don’t feel like picking up a book. I would rather crochet or something. I think balance figures itself out sooner or later. I have heard of Flowers for Algernon but I don’t remember what it was about. Have to check it out.

  3. Love your “mostly-incoherent fan-splat” comment. :-) And Unbroken was indeed worthy of that. You’ll have more times for books again in other seasons. Glad you’re enjoying this season you’re in!

  4. I do remember, when seeing your very long lists on your before-marriage Nightstand posts, that that would change after you married. :-) It likely won’t ever get back up to that level, but there will be seasons of more and seasons of less reading in the future. I think you are getting a lot done for being a newlywed plus working outside the home.

  5. No, I did not read Unbroken when all the Nightstand-ers were raving about it, which makes ME depressed because I can’t keep up with the rest of the crowd. :)

  6. I thoroughly enjoyed Unbroken, too.

    I tend to pass on recipes that call for special ingredients. I have found wonderful things like Ranch seasoning that I now make myself. My grocery shopping is not all whole foods, but I tend to buy the same foods all the time…it makes cooking easier when I know that I have everything on hand.

    Don’t worry about what you are not reading. Take joy in the activities you and your husband are doing together…or how you are serving him by doing stuff for him/both of you!


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