No children, lots of theories

You know that old saying about no children, lots of theories, and vice versa?

Well, with one in the hopper but none in hand, I’ve definitely got plenty of theories.

For kicks and giggles, I thought it would be fun to make a list of some of the many things parents take “sides” over – and declare my side.

You know, that way I can look back years from now and shake my head at how naive and idealistic I was back before I had children.

So, without further ado:

The first days:

Delayed cord clamping?
Wait until it’s stopped pulsing

Skin to skin?
One hour minimum right after birth

Vitamin K?

Eye drops?

I don’t think it’s immoral, I probably think it’s on the smart side in our culture with increasing promiscuity (even if your son doesn’t engage in sexual relations outside of marriage, there’s no guarantee his future wife will be a virgin at marriage – and circumcision does reduce transmission of STIs). That said, I’ll defer to my husband’s judgment on that one. I really don’t have any strong opinions on the subject (believe it or not!)


Disposable or cloth?
Prefolds with old-fashioned plastic pants (I’m cheap, but I plan to have some newer covers for when my kids are in the church nursery)

Pins or snappies?


Breast or bottle?
I hate that question. It should be “breastmilk or formula”, since women can still provide breastmilk in a bottle. But, I intend to breastfeed-that is, provide breastmilk “straight from the tap.” Pumping doesn’t appeal to me and if I’m going to be away from baby I plan on hand expressing and having him fed with a spoon or a cup.

Scheduled feedings or “on demand”?
I prefer to call it “per infant hunger/fullness cues”. I’ll breastfeed baby when she’s hungry and we’ll stop when she’s full. When she starts eating with the family around six months, we’ll work towards more of a schedule.

Vitamin D or no?
I’m deficient, so there’s no way my breastmilk will be sufficient (BTW, even in women with poor nutritional status themselves, breastmilk is generally a complete source of nutrition for a baby – except for Vitamin D.) I’ll be giving drops.

Nursing cover, blanket, or nothing at all?
Nothing at all

Introducing solids?
When baby shows signs of developmental readiness, no sooner than 6 months.

First foods?
Iron fortified infant cereal mixed with breastmilk. Which will be the only “baby foods” I’ll buy. Otherwise, we’ll be going straight to soft table foods mashed with a fork (but still introduced one food at a time with a new food every 3-5 days to watch for potential reactions).

Weaning from the breast?
No sooner than 1 year, probably no later than 2 years

Weaning from the bottle?
If I never use one, I’ll never need to wean from it. My kids can drink from cups

Not for the first few weeks or until breastfeeding is well established. Beyond that, I probably prefer not but I’m not dogmatic about it.

Potential allergens?
Introduce them along with all the rest of the foods we eat as a family starting at 6 months. If we eat it frequently, we’ll probably be more likely to introduce it “early”. We will hold off on cow’s milk (for drinking) or honey (by itself or in anything) until 1 year.


Baby in bassinet in our room no longer than 4-6 months. Never in our bed.

Back or front?
Back to sleep saves babies’ lives. Once they’re rolling, though, it makes absolutely no difference.

Nursing to sleep?
Can’t really stop it at the beginning – but once that first tooth emerges, nurse and brush or wipe before bed.

Rocking to sleep?
I’m generally a fan of laying baby down to sleep when he’s awake but showing signs of sleepiness.

If baby tends to get overstimulated easily. But I don’t intend to rely on it as a regular means of getting baby to sleep.

Sleep training/Crying it out?
Yes, but not for newborns (or really even in the first 4 months or so.)


Yep. But not all the time. It’s okay for baby to hang out in a crib or on the floor, with or without direct supervision.

Tummy Time?
Any time baby’s not sleeping or being held.

Car seats?
In the car, properly secured, and rear facing as long as possible. Baby will NOT hang out in the car seat outside of the car.

Church nursery?
Probably not until a breastfeeding routine is established, since I’ll want to be near enough to feed on cue – but once baby’s older and a schedule is established? Probably. I’m not opposed to having babies in the service so long as I’m still able to participate in worship with the rest of the congregation.

Of course, I haven’t covered everything here – far from it. In fact, I chose to focus on the first year and the controversies of that year. I have also not chosen to flesh out my positions on any of these. I’m not really intending to open up a debate here. I recognize that having a child of your own changes all sorts of things – and that different things work for different families. We’ll see what happens when baby comes and theory has to turn to action :-)

4 thoughts on “No children, lots of theories”

  1. You know, I absolutely LOVE this post! It totally makes me grin.

    Some people I’ve known think you ought not share your opinions because they are likely to change. I’ve always been an opinion sharer who is open to change if/when I am convinced of the need. And I always think it’s sort of funny to go back a few years and read old thoughts of mine. I don’t mind sharing in the present because it makes me more aware of my thoughts in the future. Ok, that’s sorts of confusing. At any rate, I think this post is interesting and fun. Thanks for sharing your current opinions! :D


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