2015 Reading Challenges

While I’m not setting grandiose plans for 2015, I do hope to participate once again in some of the book-related challenges and book clubs available in this neck of the internet – and I hope to participate with my church’s in-real-life book club as well.

L. M. Montgomery Reading Challenge To kick the year off, I’ll be joining with Carrie’s L.M. Montgomery Reading challenge – rereading one of the Anne books (I’m not sure which) and possibly making another Anne outfit for “Black Anne”, my American girl doll (named thus because I happen to own Addy, the original black American girl doll). I also may or may not find and read a book about Lucy Maud from my local library. It’s certainly not too late to participate yourself – check out Carrie’s opening post at Reading to Know.

Reading to Know - Book Club Participation in the L.M. Montgomery challenge happily doubles as participation in the RTK Classics bookclub – a monthly classics book club that participants are welcome to jump into for as many or as few months as they choose. We’re going with relatively short books this year, since most of the participants are busy moms. I hope to participate as often as possible – and will be hosting the November reading of Grimm’s Fairy Tales (I’ve started reading already – but you’ll be welcome to read only a few tales if you want to, so consider joining in at least for my month :-P). To see the complete list of reading selections for 2015, check out this introductory post.

The other challenge I know I’ll be wanting to participate in this year is Barbara’s Laura Ingalls Wilder reading challenge in February. I plan to read Farmer Boy and to make as many Farmer Boy inspired recipes as possible! Learn more about Barbara’s challenge here.

Apart from those, I’m laying low – except, of course, that I continue my ongoing quest to read every book in my local library (except the ones I don’t read.) I haven’t tallied my numbers or blogged progress recently, but I’m definitely still going strong!

Are you participating in some reading challenges this year? I’d love to hear which ones. Are you not participating in any reading challenges this year? Consider joining one of the above.

2 thoughts on “2015 Reading Challenges”

  1. Looking forward to the LIW challenge with you! I just read Farmer Boy last year and enjoyed it. I tend to gravitate more towards the books about the Ingalls, but this one was really good, too.

    I’ve read the first Emily book last year for the LMM challenge so will read the second one this year – maybe the third, depending on how the month goes.

    Other than that I haven’t decided. I participated in a TBR challenge last year where the idea was to read 12 books that you already have on hand that you haven’t gotten to yet. It was a good motivator and I am glad I did it, but I am not sure I want to do it again. But if I don’t I may challenge myself to read 6 or so.

  2. I’m also looking forward to the LIW challenge! I can’t decide whether or not to read the boys Farmer Boy or do The Long Winter. I should PROBABLY do Farmer Boy but I think The Long Winter is so tragically imaginative and an awesome answer against modern day complaints. :D

    I’m glad you are “in” with the LMM challenge.

    And I’m totally getting a laugh out of you reading all of the books at your library except for the ones which you aren’t! :)


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