Spring Break 2015

Spring Break in high school and college almost always fell over my birthday (before the official start of spring!) – and I enjoyed it, but I didn’t realize how much I took it for granted until I moved off the academic calendar.

Then summer break became a week-long vacation or a 5 day weekend, a day instead of a week for Christmas the norm, and Spring Break nonexistent.

Except that this year, Tirzah Mae and I took a spring break.

My brother and sister-in-law and nieces were taking one of their biannual trips to Lincoln – and we’d promised to work on our parent’s basement as a Christmas gift.

So we spent a packed week in Lincoln – driving up Friday March 27 and coming back just yesterday, April 5.

Between there, we painted two rooms, moved some furniture, played with cousins, went to our favorite only-in-Nebraska restaurants, were completely spoiled by aunts, uncles, grandmas, grandpas, and cousins, and ate way too many jelly beans.

Also, we put on a Seder meal for twenty and visited with Tirzah Mae’s great-grandparents.

(Click on the photo to comment on individual photos.)


2 thoughts on “Spring Break 2015”

  1. :D I love all of the pictures. I don’t know which to comment on first.

    First, your Easter hat and outfit are so cute. You are so much braver than I am with the hat! (And yes, the property is lovely.)

    I saw the picture of TM almost falling off the cousins’ laps. Did your heart stop?

    She is just a little cutie. My word she is adorable! This you know, but I’ll confirm it. ;)


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