Ten Years and Two Days Ago…

Ten years and two days ago, I began my own personal reading project: to read every book in my local branch library.

A lot has changed since then, but I’m still busy reading – and writing down each book I’ve read and closing categories as I go.

TOTALS as of Sept 5, 2016 (10 years or 3653 days)

Category Items Complete Categories Closed Items/day
Juvenile Picture 1394 442 0.38
Juvenile, Board Books 125 45 0.03
Juvenile, First Readers 65 3 0.02
Juvenile, Chapter 92 7 0.03
Juvenile Fiction 310 25 0.09
Juvenile Nonfiction 213 1 0.05
Teen Fiction 43 4 0.01
Teen Nonfiction 5 0 0.00
Adult Fiction 454 70 0.12
Adult Nonfiction 839 41 0.23
Audio CD 639 64 0.17
Juvenile DVD 48 0 0.01
Adult Fiction DVD 93 0 0.03
Adult Nonfiction DVD 35 0 0.01
Periodicals 66 0 0.02
Total 4421 items
1.21 items per day

Looking at the “items per day” column, I see that the numbers are rather unimpressive – certainly nothing compared to what the numbers were when I first started. Perhaps I will knock that column off the next accounting. I’ve also determined that there’s information I’m interested in that isn’t captured by the above table (which I’ve been filling out since I first blogged about my challenge): how many items am I completing annually (on average and in the past year) and how quickly am I closing categories?

Last year’s reading (and the annual average completed)

Category Categories Completed Items Completed Annual Average Items Completed
Juvenile Picture 9 59 139
Juvenile, Board Books 30 71 12.5
Juvenile, First Readers 0 1 6.5
Juvenile, Chapter 0 0 9.2
Juvenile Fiction 0 2 3.1
Juvenile Nonfiction 0 34 21.3
Teen Fiction 0 3 4.3
Teen Nonfiction 0 0 0.5
Adult Fiction 0 11 45.4
Adult Nonfiction 7 83 83.9
Audio CD 64 90 63.9
Juvenile DVD 0 0 4.8
Adult Fiction DVD 0 3 9.3
Adult Nonfiction DVD 0 1 3.5
Periodicals 0 0 6.6
Total 110 358 442


  • I didn’t even read one hundred (full-size) books in the past year. I find this shocking and somewhat ego-flattening.
  • I need to get serious about closing categories if I’m going to complete this thing (but who am I kidding, it’s an impossible goal.)
  • That said, I have quite a few categories that have just one or two more books in them before I can close them – so why don’t I just get them finished?

What I’ve found most fascinating this year has been to break down my reading into how many days (on average) it takes me to get through a library item (over the past year only).

Category Time to Read Notes
Audio CDs 4 days With the exception of Christmas music between Thanksgiving and Christmas, all of these are listened to when I’m driving with just myself and the kids.
Adult Nonfiction 4.4 days I read a lot of nonfiction.
Board Books 5.2 days It’s rather surprising I don’t go through these more quickly. Then again, I don’t count repeats.
Picture Books 6.2 days Ditto board books
Adult Fiction 33.3 days Not quite one a month. And here I’d been saying two a month.

So concludes my report on the last ten years’ reading :-)

2 thoughts on “Ten Years and Two Days Ago…”

  1. Impressive! Yes, it will be less now that you have children. It’s inevitable. My meager goal of 45 books is unimpressive but I am still working on a goal of 100 classics in 5 years. Get tired of classics so I jump around a bit (putting me behind in my challenge).
    I have never considered reading every book in our library… some of them would bore me to tears! (js)

  2. I recently went to the library again. This is probably a shocking statement to some but I can never seem to get my books back on time and always cringe at the fines I incur. Anyway, I went back and discovered my card needed to be renewed and I had a larger fine than I had realized. :P Corrected all of that, checked out books and….still managed to get them back late. I feel like I can never win for trying. :P


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