Thankful Thursday: From the hand of a loving God

Thankful Thursday bannerYesterday started well and ended well. The sixteen hours in between were…

Well, I was tempted several times to say that they were straight from the pit of hell.

But my theology constrains my terminology.

Nothing comes straight from the pit of hell. Even the most diabolical plot must pass by heaven for permission from the Sovereign Lord of all creation.

Acknowledging God’s sovereignty means that I cannot blame evil spirits or evil people for the discomfort I experience, the trials that I face.

Acknowledging God’s sovereignty means that I must confess that my worst days come straight from the hands of a loving God.

The truth is that God has designed my days, lovingly arranged them for His good purposes, that I might be conformed to His image and enjoy Him eternally.

So I will be thankful today, for yesterday.

Today I’m thankful…

…for to-do lists that are impossibly long

…for employees calling in

…for resident complaints

…for working on the floor in high heels

…for meals that take forever

…for running out of vegetables

…for not knowing what I was doing

…for shoulder deep dishwater and scads of dirty pans

…for filthy lab coats

…for aching back and feet

Because when these things happen, even when they all happen on the same day, I can be sure that they come from the hand of a loving God.

“Faith sees that in her worst sorrow there is nothing penal; there is not a drop of God’s wrath in it; it is all sent in love. Faith discerns love gleaming like a jewel on the breast of an angry God. Faith says of her grief, ‘This is a badge of honour, for the child must feel the rod’; and then she sings of the sweet result of her sorrows, because they work her spiritual good. Nay, more, says Faith, ‘These light afflictions, which are but for a moment, work out for me a far more exceeding and eternal weight of glory.'”
~C.H. Spurgeon, Morning and Evening, September 12, Evening

Days like yesterday are not a punishment. Christ has already borne all my punishment.

But days like yesterday ARE discipline. They are training, like the grueling workouts athletes or warriors endure; like the long hours medical interns practice.

And the end result of this painful practice from the hands of a loving God?

Seeing Christ and being transformed into His likeness.

Worth it.

Absolutely worth it.

Thank You, Lord, for disciplining me thus.

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