Changing jobs has a way of interrupting routines. So does moving. So does planning a wedding. For that matter, so does honeymooning.
Which is probably why my reading routines have been drastically off-kilter for the last several months.
But now that I’m settled into my new job, moved into my new home, and done with the wedding and honeymoon, I’m ready to settle into some new routines–ones that I certainly hope include reading some more.
With all the busyness of the past couple of months, I read:
- Communication: Key to Your Marriage by H. Norman Wright (My review here)
A truly excellent book that Daniel and I read for premarital counseling. We’ll be re-reading this one and working through it at a later date, since our premarital time frame left us with less time than we desired to discuss all the rich ideas found within.
- Sheet Music by Kevin Leman
This book was highly recommended by a number of our newly married friends as being a great resource. I read the “premarital” portion before we got married and then read the same portion out loud to Daniel on our way up to Lincoln for our wedding. I read (or scanned) the rest during our little getaway immediately after the wedding. We’ll likely revisit this one again later on in our marriage–but the chapter on honeymoon sex for virgins was great. Even if that’s the only chapter that ends up being useful, it was worth the price of the book. I definitely recommend it for virgins preparing for their wedding.
- Intended for Pleasure by Ed Wheat
This is another book on sex, this time recommended by the pastor who married us. Intended for Pleasure is pretty technical and often includes more information than is needed in order to have sex (for instance, it explains menstruation and the woman’s cycle in detail), but overall, it’s a pretty solid book (written by an MD) about sex. I didn’t read the whole book on this one since it includes chapters on sex in mid- and late-life, erectile dysfunction, etc.
- Scripture
I was trying to do the Horner plan, which involves reading ten chapters of Scripture a day from ten different places in Scripture, but this turned out to be too much. Because my bookmarks were in my big study Bible, it was hard for me to keep up with the reading as I ran errands, moved, worked on wedding stuff, etc. I didn’t have any big chunks of time to read, and it was hard to just read a few verses or a chapter at a time when I had to lug around my big Bible. So I switched over to the Discipleship Journal Book-at-a-Time plan using YouVersion on my phone. This has done wonders, both because it’s generally only 4-5 chapters per day and because my phone is small enough that I can whip it out and read a bit when I’m between clients or waiting at a checkout or in the bathroom or any of those other little moments of unavoidable delay.
In addition to the above completed books, I have started the following:
- The Scarlet Letter by Nathaniel Hawthorne
A re-read intended to be done in conjunction with the Reading to Know Bookclub. It was February’s selection. I am maybe halfway through. Oh well.
- Disciplines of a Godly Woman by Barbara Hughes
I bought this book at a conference last fall–and then promptly got engaged, which threw my reading way off-kilter. I’m excited to work my way through this (so far) solid book.
- The Meaning of Marriage by Tim Keller
I’ve liked almost everything I’ve read by Keller, so when his The Meaning of Marriage showed up free for Kindle, I downloaded it. I started the first couple of chapters on the flight home from our honeymoon. So far, so good.
We arrived home from our honeymoon to find our marriage license in the mailbox (Woohoo!), so now I can begin the process of changing my name and GETTING A WICHITA LIBRARY CARD!!!!!!!
I can’t wait to see what my new local library has in store :-)
Don’t forget to drop by 5 Minutes 4 Books to see what others are reading this month!

Oh yes. I almost forgot. Daniel and I are also working on getting some Nightstands that will fit into the relatively small space we have. My number one objective is sufficient space for books. We just may have found something that might work last night–so maybe by next month I’ll actually have a nightstand of books to show off!)