I’ve been waiting

I told you only a few days ago that I was waiting for someone to flock Anna and myself.

Well, today I rose early so I could get some stuff done around the house before Joanna and I took our walk. The main floor of our house was stuffy so I opened the back patio door to let some air in. A small flamingo stood waiting.

Opening the front door led me to the bulk of the flock. A letter tied around one flamingo’s neck announced:

You've been flocked by: ?

Be forewarned–one of you is next ;)

flock of yard ornament flamingos

2 thoughts on “I’ve been waiting”

  1. On 06.03.08 – 1:01 pm
    Cousin Matt said:

    send them to Illinois!
    oh, I took your advice and read Silas Marner, it was indeed a good book, one of my favorite on the whole list.

  2. On 06.05.08 – 10:04 am
    Rebekah said:

    As much as I’d love to, Matt, I don’t know that Z-360 is willing to drive 8 hours just to deliver a flock of flamingos (for $10 at that).

    I’m glad you enjoyed Silas Marner, though. It really is an amazing book.


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