Meet the Fam

My family goes out to eat after church once a month. It’s a chance to relax, to enjoy ourselves, to be a family. It’s incredibly hard to schedule.

Dad rotates with three other men to do weekly Bible studies at the juvenile detention center. So, once a month, he has to be somewhere by three. Once every other month, he leads a service at a retirement community in town–that’s at two. Joshua and John are both late ushers–responsible for closing the church after the services. They are scheduled approximately every other week and generally stay from 1:10-1:30. Every three months, the youth do a service at a female detention facility outside of town. That’s not until 4, but it’s about an hour drive.

And that’s just the normally scheduled stuff. This month, we have even more of a predicament. Last week Dad had the service at the retirement community. This week is “Youth Sunday” with a cookout at the church afterward. Next week, Anna will be doing OB/GYN rotations in Columbus. Then I’ll be gone in Mexico.

So, we had our Sunday lunch this evening–and still ended up missing someone. Danny’s girlfriend Debbie was playing her cello tonight for a wedding reception–but since she had knee surgery on Tuesday, she is unable to drive or to carry her cello. Daniel was, therefore, needed to chauffeur her and carry her cello.

The rest of us hopped into the “Herburban” (an amalgamation of “Herbie Husker” and “Suburban”) and made our way to Imperial Palace, where I took pictures according to tradition.

picture of family
From left to right: Anna, Joshua, Dad, Gracie, Mom, Tim, Casandra, John.

2 thoughts on “Meet the Fam”

  1. On 07.12.08 – 9:51 pm
    Aunt K in CO said:

    Wow -taking a quick glance at that picture made me think Mom (Grandma Carol) was sitting in the middle of the bunch! Lo and behold, it’s your mom. When did she start looking so much like her mother?


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