Every spare moment

In 9 days, I’ll get on a plane to fly to Laredo, TX. I’ll spend a few days with the family in Laredo while the kids attend a conference, and then I’ll be in Mexico. Until then, I need to spend every spare moment preparing.

There are some things that I just need to get done before I go–the two quilts sitting in the living room, the pile of library books on my desk, final arrangements for the 20S Sunday school when I’m gone. I have a date with a friend Wednesday afternoon to work on quilting. Nytejok had her baby last Friday–so I’m already late on that quilt (I still need to sandwich, baste, quilt, and bind it). I haven’t heard from Nyayan–but she’s due the 17th, so it should be any day. I only have to bind her quilt. Sunday School is almost all arranged–I just need to confirm everything. The library books, on the other hand…

I just checked my account and I have 39 books currently out. All are due before I’ll be back from Mexico. Some are personal reading: Dr. Seuss, The Essential Canon of Classical Music, books on environmental issues, books on managing allergies. Others are specifically related to Mexico: a Spanish dictionary, a “learning Spanish” book, grammar references, math references, reading references, spelling references, creative writing references.

The real task that’s eating my spare time? Preparing for any possibility. I have no idea where my student is at academically except that she’s fourteen years and she’s behind. She could be working anywhere from fourth grade level to eighth grade level–or be at multiple levels. She could have all sorts of gaps in her education–or she could be completely on track. I don’t know.

I know that they haven’t been using a set curriculum–instead they’ve been using a lot of internet resources. Which means I have no way to gauge what her education has consisted of heretofore. I know that Caroline wants me to focus on Math and English.

So, I’ve looked at a Middle School scope and sequence. I’ve determined the large scale topics that I may need to discuss. I’ve begun preparing review sheets–basically a text that I can use as a resource to “fill in” any “holes” that may exist. I have a long way to go.

Today? I reformatted a review sheet on using the dictionary. I began a review sheet on parts of speech. I started working on a summary of spelling rules. I read part of a grammar resource. I read part of a spelling resource. I played some Spider Solitaire on my computer–why did I do that? I don’t have time for that. I know I don’t have time for that.

I’m overwhelmed by the intensity of this task. I’m overwhelmed by how much there is to prepare, by how much there is to do once I’m there. I feel incredibly insufficient for the challenge. How can I even dream of doing this? How can I even think that I can impart something meaningful in one short month? How can I think that I can prepare something meaningful in one short week?

There’s no way. Which is why I’m spending every spare moment praying.

“With men this is impossible, but with God all things are possible.” Matthew 19:26

3 thoughts on “Every spare moment”

  1. On 07.16.08 – 8:02 am
    Casandra said:

    Don’t get discouraged. I know it’s overwhelming. I also happen to know Someone who is the business of providing rest to the weary and strength for “all things”. :-)

    “Let us not grow weary in doing good.”

    God be with you, and I know He will accomplish great things in this trip… even if it doesn’t look like you think it should.

  2. On 07.17.08 – 5:36 pm
    Joshua said:

    You are going to have great month in Mexico. You can never truly be fully prepared for what God does, because that’s the nature of God- He does things totally beyond what we can ever expect from Him. We’re at about a week now, right?

    JA Menter

    “Attitude reflects maturity and humility is its foundation.”


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