Photo, photo in the frame / what’s the dirtiest baby’s name?


When I saw Becky’s suggestion of a Dirty Baby Carnival, I thought “What fun!” I am the guardian of our family photos–so I was sure I’d have plenty of pics to choose from. In fact, why not just show one dirty baby pic per child?

Alas, when I sat down Tuesday to look through the photos, I discovered that there was a definite lack of dirty sibling photos. Instead, I found photo after photo after photo of a very messy Bekah.

Baby Rebekah with formula all over her face
Baby Rebekah with spaghetti sauce everywhere
Toddler Rebekah with a splotch of purple something on her cheek
Toddler Rebekah with butter (from corn on the cob) all over her face
Toddler Rebekah with purple food (of some sort) all over her face--except the circle surrounding her mouth where she licked it off

Not to say that I was the only messy child in the family–I was just the one most frequently photographed. (You’ve got to admit that I look like I’m having a grand time!)

The runners-up:
Young Anna eating powdered formula
Young Anna with a messy face
Young Anna with beets or berries on face and hands
Young Anna with something red on her face
Young Joshua with a rather dirty shirt
Young John with boogers and grime
Young John with dirty face napping after a long birthday bash
Young Timmy makes kissy face with his messy face

5 thoughts on “Photo, photo in the frame / what’s the dirtiest baby’s name?”

  1. On 07.17.08 – 11:49 pm
    Joshua said:

    I remember that tool belt! That was from a very long time ago. It’s amazing how few photos we have of everyone other than you, Rebekah.

    JA Menter

    “Rest is a weapon!” Philip “Echo” D’Anjou


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