Random Experiment

There’s this “random” meme going about Facebook, asking individual’s to list 25 “random” facts about themselves. But I don’t believe that the human brain is capable of true “randomness”–what passes as randomness is merely subconscious or uncommunicated connections.

So instead of giving the typical meme spiel in which I answer the questions and then tag others to answer them as well–I’m going to give you 25 non-random facts about myself that might seem random because I chose to skip a fact or two in the logical progression of my thoughts. Then, at the end, I want to invite you to join in by commenting–giving a fact about yourself that is related to the last fact (about someone else) but is a couple of generations removed.

So here goes…

  1. I am a social drinker of coffee–I’d never make myself a cup, but will gladly take a cup when offered it.
  2. I think my vanilla (homemade) is almost done–I let Grace use it the other night, at any rate.
  3. Christian was a tired little boy at Life Group last night.
  4. I’ve worn a baby.
  5. I’m not sure I’m green enough–or bold enough–to give DivaCup a try.
  6. I *heart* homemade crab-applesauce
  7. I’ve never met my next door neighbor.
  8. I’m not sure what species of drug “hash” belongs to
  9. So there was this guy I had a crush on in Jr. High… It was bad.
  10. Once upon a time, I stole a construction cone.
  11. There are additives in laundry detergent that make your whites glow under a black light (but not mine–I make my own laundry soap.)
  12. I’m allergic to cats.
  13. I used to play in a drainage ditch.
  14. To me: Grilled Cheese + Tomato Soup = Comfort Food
  15. Lots of people think me and Anna look like twins–or else they think we don’t look anything alike.
  16. I’ve never done a claymation–but I’ve heard it’s fun.
  17. I think the beast in Beauty and the Beast is totally hotter than the Prince
  18. My first pet, a fish, was named “Apollo Erato”–after the muse of love songs or something like that.
  19. I don’t possess a credit card.
  20. I have a weakness for the $1 a yard table at Walmart–but they recently upped it to $1.50 a yard–and that doesn’t really appeal.
  21. I have a sibling who is employed at McDonalds (once more.)
  22. I cringe every time someone finds my website via a Google search for fun essay topics.
  23. Clouds are pretty much amazing–they have so much personality.
  24. I wouldn’t mind returning to Yellowstone.
  25. Speaking of permafrost…The walk between my house and my parents’ has a permafrost-like character.

Now it’s your turn. Take that last comment about me and follow the trail a couple steps down and write your own (apparently) random comment (about yourself) below.

2 thoughts on “Random Experiment”

  1. On 02.10.09 – 8:26 am
    Becky@BoysRuleMyLife said:

    Your on FB??? Find me via my gmail account! :-) I was actually thinking just the other day that I wanted to find out if you were on there. :-)

    #4 – I’ve done that, too, but oddly enough didn’t like it. I never got the hang of it with any of my boys.

    #5 – It’s not that bad… once you get past the learning curve.

    #10 – ME TOO! :-)

    #14 – yummmmm….. we should do lunch sometime. :-)

    #19 – That’s awesome! We have no CC debt, but we do use them.

    #24 – never been there… maybe I should go since it’s worth a return trip to you.

    As for a few “random” bits about me…

    I haven’t used a sewing machine since 7th grade in sewing class.

    I still want to make homemade vanilla.

    I don’t like the taste of wheat germ.

    I can’t sing on key.

    I hate HATE matching socks together.

    I just picked boogers out of my kid’s nose… how’s that for random? :-)

  2. On 02.12.09 – 8:01 am
    Casandra said:

    #22 – then maybe you should remove your “essay topics” from your silliness link? You know.. the ones on bowel movements? Just a thought…

    I don’t have anything random about me that you don’t already know. :-)


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