This one’s stolen from Carissa

So tell me about your life.

I died and my life is hidden with Christ in God. (Col. 3:3)

Who do you have texts from?

Joshua, Steve, Facebook, Dad, Anna, Daniel, Johnna, Mom, Timothy, Grace, John

What’s the last thing you touched, other than your computer?

My phone to see who I might have texts from :-)

Who was the last person you had a conversation with on the phone?


Quote from a song that’s in your head?

Oh-oh-oh-oh-oh-oh-oh-oh-oh. It’s a Chris Tomlin song =)

Have you faced any of your fears lately?


What did your last text say, and what does it have to do with?

“I’ll be there”–telling my brother I’ll come over to his house to watch the Nebraska game today.

How do you feel about girls smoking?

I feel like anyone smoking is irresponsible and unhealthy. At the same time, I recognize the difficulties of breaking addictions and try to receive smokers (as all others) with grace and acceptance.

Do you prefer the ocean or pool?

Gimme the ocean any day!

Are you outgoing or more shy?

I’d say I’m more outgoing–but I do require a certain bit of alone time.

Are you wearing jeans right now?

Nope. But I did wear jeans yesterday ;-)

Did you sleep in past noon today?

No way. I don’t think I’ve done that in five years.

Would you ever get a tattoo?

Probably not. I don’t really enjoy pain that much–and tattoos are permanent. Now, henna? Maybe.

Do you miss your past?

No–why miss the past when you can live in the present and look forward to the future?

Would you be able to date someone who doesn’t make you laugh?

Are you talking “go on a date with” or “date long term”? ‘Cause I’d go on a date with–after all, how do I know whether he makes me laugh unless I get to know him? Now, after getting to know him, if he doesn’t make me laugh every so often… (Then again, I don’t think there’s anyone I’ve really gotten to know who didn’t eventually make me laugh.)

Have you argued with anyone today?


Where is the biggest scar on your body and from what?

Not sure–I haven’t got a lot of scars, and the ones I do have are pretty little. Probably either the scar from the mole I had removed (I must have waited too long to get the stitches removed) or the one under my chin from the time I fell flat on my face in the street and took a chunk out of my chin.

When was the last time someone held your hand?

Someone held mine or I held someone’s? I held Gracie’s on Monday after she learned that her good friend’s mother died. It’s been awhile since someone held my hand.

Is there one person you look at and automatically smile?

Actually, several.

Who’s jacket did you wear last?


Is there something you’re looking forward to?


What are you sitting on right now?

A chair.

What are your initials?


What was the last thing you wore that was black?

My shoes. Ballet flats.

Do you have alcohol in your house?

Yes. Ridiculous amounts for the small amount I actually consume. I’ll probably have it until the day I die (unless I give it away to my brothers)

When did you go to bed last night?

1:30ish–I was stove-jobbing on a new planner (but it’s almost done!)

Do you have somewhere you hide things you don’t want anyone else to find?


Is there beer in your refrigerator at the moment?

I’m not really a beer fan–and my roommate doesn’t drink. Nah.

Have you ever been in the shower when the power went out?

No. That’s an odd question.

Where do you like to go when you want to be alone?

The library or a park or my room. Wherever no one’s at :-)

Is there anyone you have been avoiding lately?

Not consciously.

Do you still keep in touch with your most recent ex?

Yes, I guess you could say that.

What are your plans for the evening?

Grading papers. Writing book reviews. Cleaning house. Reading a book. Likely something “boring” (that I find absolutely wonderful.)

What was the last movie you watched?

My family and other animals.

Did you watch that last movie in the theater?

No–I watched it at my parents’ home theatre with my sister-in-law

What was the last song you listened to?

“The Black Gate is Closed” from The Two Towers soundtrack

Who was the last person to give you any kind of advice?

My dad

What would happen if you were locked in a room with your last ex?

Um-I’m not sure. We would try to get out?

Do you remember what your last dream was about?

I thought I did, but now I can’t remember.

What do you think of the last person of the opposite sex that texted you?

Steve? He’s like a brother. He’s been my brother’s best friend for the past dozen years.

How tall are you?

5’10” or so

The person you have the strongest feelings for dies, you care?

Duh. Isn’t that kind of obvious?

Do you want anything right now?

Yes. But I am not in want of anything right now. My God has graciously provided all my needs–and many of my desires.

Do you still talk to your ex?

Didn’t you ask this already?

Is there anybody you wish you could be spending time with right now?


Do you believe what comes around goes around?

That’s sorta a truism, isn’t it? If something is traveling a circular path (“around”), it will both come towards a point and go away from the point. As far as the “you get what you dish” idea, eh. There’s some Biblical support for that (Luke 6:38), but why use a cliche if you can help it? Find some real Scripture to use.

How’s 2010 been for you?

It’s been…challenging. Emotionally, spiritually, intellectually, professionally. You name it. It’s been tough. But God has been faithful and I trust in His sovereign plan.

Will you be in a relationship in the next couple months?

You mean dating, right? I don’t know.

Do you lose interest in people easily?

I don’t think so.

Delete a year of your life, or start over in a new town?

I’ll start over in a new town. Planning on doing so in January anyway.

Any part of you sad at all?

Yes-I’ve got a melancholy streak, and memes often seem designed to bring those out.

What is stressing you out most right now?

The uncertainty of life. Wanting what I can’t have.

Today’s date?

September 11, 2010–9 years.

Who did you text the most last night?

I didn’t text anyone last night

What color are your eyes?


Do you think if you died, that the last person you texted would even care?

Yes, he probably would.

Who was the last person you physically hit?

One of my brothers, I’m sure. (Hopefully John–after that bruise he gave me on Sunday….)

(The bruise was accidental, by the way–he’s really a great guy–just really strong–and I bruise easily–and he was just trying to startle me. But I totally looked like a battered woman.)

Who was the last person you hugged?


Do you wish anyone in particular was still in your life?


Who were you with the last time you went to the mall?

No one. I sat and crocheted, practicing aloneness in the midst of a crowd.

Ever liked someone older than you?


I bet your going to kiss someone tonight, right?

Probably not.

3 thoughts on “This one’s stolen from Carissa”

  1. I have indeed crocheted in the mall. It was a big mall in Omaha. I sat on a bench and crocheted a gingerbread boy Christmas tree ornament. One of the mall-walkers who had been circling my bench a few times stopped to ask me about my crochet work. It was great.

    I’m glad I could put a smile on your face.

    (Do you think I could say that I’m slightly eccentric?)


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