Chasing the Moon

A long day in Grand Island done, I pointed my car towards home, eager to get back to Columbus.

But as soon as I turned east, I saw a gorgeous almost-full-penny moon.

Do you know what I’m talking about? A moon that glows with coppery tones, where you can almost see Abraham Lincoln’s profile in its enormous glistening glory?

My eyes twitched to the camera bag sitting beside me, my hands thrummed the steering wheel restlessly.

I wanted a picture of this–except the construction on the road between Grand Island and Central City left me with no place to turn off.

I determined to take a detour through Central City. I’d find a country road; stop and take some pictures before rejoining Highway 30 a little further along.

What I didn’t count on was the difficulty of finding country road turn-offs after dark.

I crossed the Platte River and knew I needed to turn east again soon (since I was traveling south and my destination was northeast). Finding a little highway, I turned off on it.

Unfortunately, this little highway had no shoulders for pulling over to take pictures–so I kept driving, sure I’d find a north-leading road soon.

The penny moon rose and became a dime, not anywhere near as enthralling.

I drove further, wondering at my folly–chasing the moon.

My usual route looks like this:

Map from Grand Island to Columbus

Instead, last evening’s trip looked more like this:

Map from Grand Island to Columbus

Dozens of extra miles, at least a half hour extra drive time.

No pictures to show for it.

An evening chasing the moon.

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