I’m Arm-chairing the Cybils this year!

If you’re one of my bloggie-friends, chances are the Cybils are old-hat for you. You’ve been reading about them since the beginning–and probably reading along with them too.

If you’re one of my real-life friends, chances are you’ve never heard of the Cybils.

“Cybils” stands for “Children’s and Young Adult Bloggers’ Literary” Awards.

Several of the book bloggers I follow (or have followed intermittently over the years) are or have been judges, including Sherry @ Semicolon, Dawn @ My Thoughts Exactly and 5M4B, Jennifer @ Snapshot and 5M4B, and Emily @ Homespun Light.

I am not a judge, not being particularly focused in my book reading or blogging.

But this is one of those rare sports in which I LOVE to be an armchair judge–and Amy @ Hope is the Word has offered up a challenge to any and all to join her in the Armchair Cybils

Participants are free to name their own stipulations for participation–so these will be mine. Over the next four months, I’ll be reading at least one book nominated in each of the ten Cybils categories.

And, of course, I’ll be blogging my thoughts and reactions–and reading others’ thoughts–along the way.

Wanna join?

It’s not too late. Write a quick post and join us at Hope is the Word for tons of kid lit reading fun!

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