- Wear a scarf in a Chain Knot
- Wear an Upside-Down Smokey Eye
- Teach Hosea and Joel
- Become a member of my church
- Make Summer in the Winter cobbler
- Play Skip-bo

First Row: Chain Knotted Scarf (90) and Reverse Smokey Eye (91), New Jewelry Organizer (104)
Second Row: Summer in the Winter Cobbler (94)
- Listen to Straight Thinking Podcast #142-Did God Create the Universe? Part 3
- Listen to Straight Thinking Podcast #143-Truthers Steal Al Qaeda’s Thunder
- Stay overnight at work
- Survive state survey at Facility #1
- Listen to Straight Thinking Podcast #144-The Devil’s Weapon #1: Pascal on Indifference
- Listen to Straight Thinking Podcast #145-The Devil’s Weapon #2: Pascal on Diversion

My ear being pierced (108), My ear once it’s pierced (108)
- Make Apple Cranberry Oven Pancake
- Remove The Immortal Life of Henrietta Lacks from my TBR list
- Make a new jewelry organizer
- Remove The Help from my TBR list
- Watch Courageous
- Get a flag for in front of the house

First Row: Shelf in Garage (108), Rolled Paper Snowflake (112)
Second Row: Rolled Snowflake Ornaments (113), New Flag (107)
- Assemble shelving unit for garage
- Post a “Sleep” themed Flashback
- Pierce my ears
- Spend face-to-face time with Anna
- Make a Rolled Paper Snowflake
- Make a rolled paper snowflake ornament (Cheating? Probably. But I don’t care.)
You got a lot accomplished! Did you pierce your ears yourself??
So did you remove The Help because you read it or because you decided not to? I just finished listening to an audiobook version. Wonderful story, but some bad language and a bit of vulgarity. I don’t usually read things with those elements…I’m not sure why I stayed with this one. I’m hoping to review it some time this week,
My friend Ruth pierced my ears. It was a lot of fun and not at all painful (because we did it right :-P)
I removed The Help by reading it. I’m not sure whether I’ll write a full review or not. Maybe I’ll know after I read your thoughts, Barbara.
What did you think of The Immortal Life of Henrietta Lacks? I just finished reading that book recently.