2012: Week 4

  1. Wear a scarf in a Chain Knot
  2. Wear an Upside-Down Smokey Eye
  3. Teach Hosea and Joel
  4. Become a member of my church
  5. Make Summer in the Winter cobbler
  6. Play Skip-bo
Reverse Smokey Eye and Chain KnotJewelry Organizer
Summer in the Winter Cobbler
First Row: Chain Knotted Scarf (90) and Reverse Smokey Eye (91), New Jewelry Organizer (104)
Second Row: Summer in the Winter Cobbler (94)
  1. Listen to Straight Thinking Podcast #142-Did God Create the Universe? Part 3
  2. Listen to Straight Thinking Podcast #143-Truthers Steal Al Qaeda’s Thunder
  3. Stay overnight at work
  4. Survive state survey at Facility #1
  5. Listen to Straight Thinking Podcast #144-The Devil’s Weapon #1: Pascal on Indifference
  6. Listen to Straight Thinking Podcast #145-The Devil’s Weapon #2: Pascal on Diversion
Piercing ear with needle and potatoNewly pierced ear
My ear being pierced (108), My ear once it’s pierced (108)
  1. Make Apple Cranberry Oven Pancake
  2. Remove The Immortal Life of Henrietta Lacks from my TBR list
  3. Make a new jewelry organizer
  4. Remove The Help from my TBR list
  5. Watch Courageous
  6. Get a flag for in front of the house
New Shelf in GarageRolled Snowflake
Rolled Snowflake OrnamentsNew Flag
First Row: Shelf in Garage (108), Rolled Paper Snowflake (112)
Second Row: Rolled Snowflake Ornaments (113), New Flag (107)
  1. Assemble shelving unit for garage
  2. Post a “Sleep” themed Flashback
  3. Pierce my ears
  4. Spend face-to-face time with Anna
  5. Make a Rolled Paper Snowflake
  6. Make a rolled paper snowflake ornament (Cheating? Probably. But I don’t care.)

4 thoughts on “2012: Week 4”

  1. You got a lot accomplished! Did you pierce your ears yourself??

    So did you remove The Help because you read it or because you decided not to? I just finished listening to an audiobook version. Wonderful story, but some bad language and a bit of vulgarity. I don’t usually read things with those elements…I’m not sure why I stayed with this one. I’m hoping to review it some time this week,

  2. My friend Ruth pierced my ears. It was a lot of fun and not at all painful (because we did it right :-P)

    I removed The Help by reading it. I’m not sure whether I’ll write a full review or not. Maybe I’ll know after I read your thoughts, Barbara.


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